Regional Youth Initiative for Football Development in Baltic`s (RYFDB) January 2020 Update

Photo: Baltic Football School 

At the beginning of 2020, in 5th of January, the Road Map that was designed as part of RYFDB project was presented to Baltic Football School players for the purpose of testing. Whilst at their day-camp, in-between training sessions the BFS players were introduced to the material in an interactive way which encouraged individuals to work in teams to find answers to relevant topics within the Road Map.

What followed was a short presentation from each group about either nutrition, injury prevention or safety with further discussions about how easy it was to use the provided material, whether the information in there was understandable and the overall experience of the occasion.

By combining and evaluating the feedback from the players themselves, the project partners have concluded that one area in which the adjustments and improvements are to be made is visualisation. Majority of the kids were on the same page stating that it would be easier to learn about or find information if there were more graphics rather than text.

Prior to releasing the Road Map for the public, the aforementioned ideas will be considered and implemented into the material to make it more appealing to the main beneficiaries of this project, the players themselves.